Exodus 25 – 31 gives the full record for the building of the tabernacle based on God’s directions.
Exodus 35-39 tells how these instructions were to be carried out.
Exodus 35-39 tells how these instructions were to be carried out.
Exodus 25
The high qualities of the precious materials used to build the tabernacle shows God’s greatness and transcendence. The curtain surrounding the most Holy Place shows God’s moral perfection symbolized by His separation from the common and unclean. The portable nature of the tabernacle shows God’s desire to be with His people as they traveled. Till now, God still desires to want us draw close to Him. Indeed, Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God!
Exodus 26
Food for thought: When Jesus died on the cross, the curtain in the temple (which had replaced the tabernacle) tore from top to bottom (Mark 15:38) symbolizing our free access to God because of Jesus’ death. No longer do we need to approach God with sacrifices and through priests
Exodus 27
The altar of burnt offering was the first thing the Israelites saw as they entered the tabernacle courtyard. They could only go to God through sacrifices but now Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.