Thursday, March 29, 2007

Joshua 22 - 24 (29th Mar) - Stanley & Madeline

In Chapt 22 and 23, joshua reminded the people twice... To keep the commandments and the law that Moses gave, to love the Lord and do not bow down to other gods...

In Chapter 24, Joshua gathered the high authorities of Israel and reminded them of the goodness of God from the beginning of their generation. Again, he was reminding them to serve, obey and love our God Almighty only.

Just wonder... Why does Joshua have to be so lor soh? The people had heard and seen the miracles & promises of God. Why does he have to keep reminding them? Are they so forgetful? Is the worldly temptation overwhelming?

I'm just very grateful after Christ's sacrifice, we live by and in grace, not by law. We have the Holy Spirit, whom constantly keep us in God's presence. We do not need to solely depend on memory and will power although these are important. Let's be thankful to the Holy Spirit who is our constant reminder to love and obey God. Let's count of blessings and remember His
goodness to us and our forefathers.

Let's say together, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"