Sunday, October 14, 2007

Luke 8, Matthew 13 (14th October) - Li Juan

The Parable of the Sower
There’re 4 analogies made here, which is you? The environment in which the 4 types of seeds fell at is similar to the conditions of your heart. Tell yourself today that you want to be the seed which fell on good soil, hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop, yielding a hundred times what was sown.

Perseverance is the key to see God’s promises coming to pass, God’s work completed. With the mere 2 months left in 2007, will u persevere; at the same time put that little faith in God, trusting that any unfulfilled goals are still possible to be reached?

The Parable of the Weeds
Though being sown on good soil, the evil one would have come along the way to plant some weeds (worries, deceitfulness of wealth etc) in our paths, disturbing our growth. We must be careful not to let these weeds choke us and make us unfruitful. They will eventually be pulled out by God’s angels, burnt and destroyed. Today, check your heart. Has it be overwhelmed by the things of the world which crept in so unknowingly that you weren’t even aware of? Rid those weeds.

The Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
Are you willing to lay down all that you have to enter into the kingdom of God? It is equivalent to what was mentioned earlier, it can be your wealth, or a habit or lifestyle, or something dear to you, but it is unpleasing in the sight of God. Are you able to exchange it for the entry pass into heaven?

The Parable of the Net
The good fishes will be separated from the bad fishes. The faithful will be separated from the unfaithful. The obedient will be separated from the disobedient.

Also, from Luke 8:26-56, it accounted how Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, casted out the demons in several places. And in Matthew 13:58, it is written “he did not do many miracles there (Jesus’ hometown) because of their lack of faith.”

Are you asking for a miracle? Exercise the mustard seed-like faith and trust God.