Friday, July 27, 2007

Isaiah 44 - 48 (27th July) - Crystal

Isaiah 44

The major portion of this chapter speaks clearly about the idols that human create from our hands, our mind and bodies. We have misuse God given creativity to create idols. Isaiah describe the people as blind without understanding, deceived by themselves and choose to trust and bow down to the creation of their hands. How foolish it is.

In Singapore and most parts of Asia, it is not uncommon to see people worshiping idols in temples or on the streets. It has turn into a business and becoming a heritage for most countries. These "advertisings" has promote the worship of false gods and evolution of being unique and special. Let's us pray that God presence will come upon this city and countries that are of such. Pray earnestly that God will break the strongholds and His light to shine. As we walk on the streets or when we see people worshiping idols, proclaim God's glory and rebuke the works of the evil.

Isaiah 45

God repeatedly told Israel that He is God and there is no other. Only God bring prosperity, God bring disasters. Here's something that speaks of God's love " 5 I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God.I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me" God will not leave, He will continue to love and give you strength to continue even in times when you do not feel God or acknowledge Him. Apart from Him non can be saved. Pray for people around you, the people you see who are turning to gods who are just humans creation. Be the one that stand for your generation.

Isaiah 46 and 47

God once again mention about Him being the one and only God that we should turn to, even until the time when we grow old. 46:4 Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I am he who will sustain you.I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isn't our God a great God? First he created us, Psa 139:14 then He promised us that He will be there even when we have grey hairs. No other can give us this assurance except him. Hey, have you been fulfilling as a Christian? In life, He gave you His best. Will you give Him your best and your time too?

Are you depending on God's wisdom and God-given knowledge today in everything you do? Our God is one who understands and the best consultant for all things. What can be better than to ask Him for guidance. In chapter 47 it mention about stargazers and astrologers. Have you once trusted the horoscope so much that it became a habit to read your daily horoscope. Our life is not destine by these but God's plan and purpose. Whenever I watched Taiwan variety shows, they always talks about horoscope and how it affects one's life. Pray for deliverance and the people who are trusting the wrong things to be set free.

Isaiah 48

Israel has always been God's precious. He knew Israel inside out. Therefore he gave them warnings about the idols that will stumble them. However Israel choose to be deaf towards God. Are you that Israel? Have you avoid His warnings about harm and sins? Pray for an open heart and ears to hear His voice.

If your family are still worshiping idols. Pray for a revival today. Ask God for wisdom to break the strongholds at home. For the battle is not against flesh and blood. God can do a miracle for you today.