Thursday, February 08, 2007

Exodus 28 - 29 (8th Feb)

Exodus 28
Give us some details about the priests. Not only was a priest from the tribe of Levi, but also a descendant of Aaron (Moses’ brother), Israel’s first priest. The priests performed the daily sacrifices, maintained the tabernacle and provide counsel to the people how to follow God. They are the representatives of God and they need to live worthy lives. Aaron was in charge of all the priests and Levites. Now, Jesus is our high priest as he had sacrificed himself on the cross for the atonement of our sins. PTL! No need for daily sacrifices anymore! Safe us the time for marketing!

Exodus 29

Sin prevents people from approaching God. God then appointed priests from the tribe of Levi and set up a system of sacrifices to help the people approach God. God is actually preparing the people for the coming of Jesus Christ. Our God is a holy God. The holiness of God is greatly emphasized-the priests, the clothing, the tabernacle and the sacrifices had to be clean and consecrated as a preparation to meet God. Let’s come before God with reverence and repentance daily.

In verse 45-46- shows God’s GREAT desire to be with the people and to protect them. God wants to live among us in our hearts and minds. Allow God to dwell and participate in every aspects of our lives. Let God be the Lord of our lives!