Tuesday, October 23, 2007

John 7 - 8 (23rd October) - Sky

John 7

In this chapter we see a lot of unbelief of Christ among the Jews. Jesus challenged their authority and their way of life. He disregarded their teachings on Sabbath and upset their way of doing things in the temple. Jesus also threatened their status with the occupying Roman authorities. If the people rallied around Jesus Rom would respond with a cruel force.

We can also see a lot of opinions and thoughts in our Jesus in this chapter. Some say he is simply a good man because of his healings and teachings but not God’s son. Other say he is mad, arguing that many unstable people believe themselves as a savior. A few suggest he deliberately deceived people to gain influence and advantage. But we correctly say he is the revealed Messiah, the Son of God and our Lord.

Jesus has many names to us, one day who should try naming all

John 8

An amazing thing happened here and is that the Pharisee brought a woman caught in adultery in front of Jesus wanted to test him and set a trap about the Law. But he rebuked them and said those who without sin shall throw the 1st stone. Jesus stopped the vigilantes’ rush to judgment and made them wait for his surprising answer.

Jesus claimed here that he is not only on a mission from God, but he also claimed to be the unique Son of God who always does what pleases God and who brings the light toe the world. The Pharisees considered this claim preposterous and indeed a person who would make such an amazing statement could only be a liar or the authentic son of God.

V32 then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Freedom is not only in your body but in yr choices, in your mind, in your heart. The truth is his Word. We are to keep his word to continually love God, and actively trust him even if we experience temporary setbacks by not living perfect obedience.