Sunday, November 11, 2007

John 14 – 17 (11th November) – Crystal

John 14

Before Jesus leaves his disciples, He comforts them, “1"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” When Thomas asked Jesus to show them the way that Jesus was about to go. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

If we believe and trust that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, we will be empowered to do the things that Jesus did and even greater, knowing that He is the only way. Jesus promised that if we ask anything in his name, it will be given onto us. Of course, it has to be from God.

Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, the Counselor who will be with us forever. When Jesus leaves, the Holy Spirit will live in us and be with us. He will teach us all things and remind us of the things that God has taught us. Jesus also mentioned that whoever loves Him will obey his teaching.

Being a Christian is to be Christ-like and not only like Christ. Some might choose what they like to hear from God and reject whatever that they deemed as harsh discipline. We should always be watchful towards God’s teaching in our life. Whether it is good or bad, we can always ask God what He is trying to teach us throughout this experience.

John 15

Jesus describes God as the gardener, himself as the vine and his disciples as the branches. The gardener will cut off every branch that bears no fruit and when the branch remains in the vine, the branch will bear much fruits and apart from the vine, the branch can do nothing. Jesus too commanded his disciples to love one another as how He has loved them. With this in mind, Jesus has chosen us and appointed us to bear fruits just as how he has commanded his disciples to do.

Just as how Jesus has chosen his disciples apart from the world, He has also chosen us to be that light to testify His love and truth to the rest of the world. As Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will too testify of Him. We too as the children of God are chosen to stand for Him.

John 16

Before Jesus leave to be crucified, He assured his disciples that there will be a Counselor who will come and be with them. “7But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” The Counselor is the Holy Spirit will guide us in the truth and lead us to do what is righteous in God’s sight. He will make known to God what we think and say. Understanding will also come from Him.

Jesus comforts his disciples of turning grief into joy. Even though at the moment, the disciples do not know or understanding what Jesus, they choose to believe and remember the words that were given. Jesus wanted to send forth peace even before He leaves his disciples. 33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Let’s us all trust and believe in whatever God has placed in our hearts even though there may be obstacles or trouble that we cannot bear. But Jesus came to overcome the world; there is nothing we cannot overcome together with Him.

John 17

The whole of chapter 17 wrote down what did Jesus prayed for before He was captured. Jesus humbled himself before God and glorify Him. Jesus knew very well His task on earth and is going to be accomplished with much pain. As we reflect, we look into our life and ask ourselves, what is the calling and task that God has given us? Are we doing our best in these areas so as to glorify Him?

Jesus prayed for his disciples too. Jesus knew that the world would persecute his disciples but He did not ask God to take them out of the world because He knows that they have to be around so that more people can know of the Father’s love. Jesus kept them in prayers, wanting God to protect them from the evil one. Just as how Jesus prayed, we should always keep ourselves and be committed to pray for our cell members or cell mates. You never know when the evil one will attack them or us.

As Jesus prayed for the believers, He said, “22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:” It is such a honor that we are able to share the glory that Jesus have if we choose to believe. How privilege it is to be one with Christ. His desire is for God’s love to be with us. Do you feel His love for you today?