Friday, June 22, 2007

Proverbs 30 - 31 (22nd June) - Vivien

Prov 30 (Winnie)

Who besides God can do all the amazing things all of the earth? No one can name.
Trust in the Lord and he will surely keep you.

Fear the Lord; do not claim of what is not true, for He is always right

Ask for forgiveness from the Lord till the day you return.

Continue to seek Lord’s help to keep away from the earthly pleasures; it’s harder for rich people to give their lives to Jesus, keep the way of life simple.

Do not backstab anyone, what goes around comes around.

There are still many Christians that do not honor their parents, those who do God’s work but not right with God, still many falls for lust when we were taught not to do so.

Isn’t God amazing? His creations are so amazing that it is hard to explain how come they know how to behave?

I think the author of Proverbs 30, is upset with how messed up life can be. And our attitude should always be like the author in verse 7 to 9. We really need God’s help to watch over us and keep our ways pure and holy.

Proverbs 31 (Vivien)
Sayings of King Lemuel: Take care of the poor and needy. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves! I believe there are among us who are this type. Good job! Continue to defend the weak, although it might cause people to look at you differently in a negative way. But know that God is pleased. To the Ds among us, know your strengths and weaknesses and work on them. Just felt that God wants me to affirm the Ds among us. =)

The Wife of Noble Character: a MUST READ for all ladies! Hehe… Ladies bear in mind verse 30: Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Not easy, but possible!
Gentlemen, you all should read too to look for the right woman!