Monday, June 18, 2007

Proverbs 27 - 29 (18th June) - Ivy

Don’t you just love proverbs? There are so many practical instructions from the Lord in how to live our lives!! To really be able to practice all is also not easy!

Proverbs 27

I just want to talk about a few verses that spoke to me.
Verse 5 Why is it better to receive rebuke rather than ‘hidden love’? I guess when there is rebuke, it is done to correct. There is an expression here. However the hidden love has no expression at all. So therefore it is better to receive rebuke from others than to continue doing the wrong things. Can you imagine if one has been doing the wrong things and no one bothers to correct him or her?

Verse19 is so beautiful.
As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
God is not concern about your accomplishments or acquirements. He is interested in your heart. What is your heart condition today?

Proverbs 28

In this chapter, God teaches us His value on money and attitudes towards our money/riches.
6 Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.
It doesn’t mean that one must be poor to be Godly or cannot be rich. But God warns that it is better for one to be blameless than perverse. However, the rich man is probably more subjected to perverse ways since he can spend more on vices.