Sunday, April 01, 2007

Judges 6 - 7 (1st April) - Kelvin

Judges 6

Its amazing each time the Israelites cried out to the Lord, He will always send to them a deliverer. This time, Gideon was chosen to set his people free from the powers of the midianites. Gideon was initially unsure whether he was seeing the right thing. But he was wise enough to ask God for signs by giving an offering to make himself sure it was really God’s calling. Then that’s where Gideon begin to grow in faith and believe God. God instructed him to tear down the asherah pole and use the wood for his burnt offering to God.

This is just like our modern day tearing down of religious temples – Only the Spirit filled dare to. Gideon did so and in the end got himself into trouble. The people from the town wants Gideon to die for what he had done.

Over here, I just want to elaborate further in our modern day context. I think this is similar for some of us who are afraid of trouble even though there are some things we as Christians should not compromise with. Are your friends getting you into unright interests? Are your colleagues leading you into tempting activities? God wants you to know that it is perfectly alright to reject the world, lose every favour from the world and follow His decrees. We as Christians must not be afraid to stand our ground!

Then Joash came out to help Gideon and to appease the anger of the people. In the words that he said, I sense great wisdom imparted by the Spirit.

Verse 31 But Joash replied to the hostile crowd around him, “ Are you going to plead Baal’s cause? Are you trying to save him? Who ever fights for him shall be put to death by morning! If Baal really is a god, he can defend himself when someone breaks down his altar.”

The Lord then filled Gideon and revealed to him that Israel would be saved through him. Gideon being cautious, humbly asked the Lord for signs not once but twice to confirm His anointing for him.

Perhaps many of us in our walk with God, we find it very hard to hear God clearly in our future or any other agendas. I believe we can always use the Gideon’s method of communication with God, ask for signs. Of course do not treat this method with contempt and ask with the fear of the Lord.

In this Chapter, there are a few conclusions to it:
1. The Lord loves us even when we know that we are not worthy for Him.
2. Be humble, God chose Gideon because he was not proud.
3. Obey the Lord and He will remain with you.

Judges 7

This a chapter of Miracles.

Gideon led 300 soldiers and fought a Victory against the mighty army of the midianites, amalekites and others. From thirty thousand to 300 men left. God shows us that no matter how strong our enemies are, we are able to overcome them with Him no matter how small we can be. Truly everything is possible with God. Though Gideon’s initial method of battle seems to be foolish ( holding trumpets and jars to war ? ), it caused confusion in the enemy’s camp and that’s where God gave them the Victory.

A point to note here would be, are we willing to do foolish things for God to use us?

In this chapter we can conclude a few points:
1. God uses the weak to overcome the strong.
2. With God, even foolish ideas can work out.