Monday, September 03, 2007

Ezekiel 22 - 23 (3rd September) - Sky

Ezekiel 22

In this chapter, GOD further elaborates Israel unrighteousness. Further emphasizing His wrath will dawn upon them, like silver melted in a furnace. In Old Testament the Lord always ends every chapter saying that through HIS wrath he be remembered, but now we remember through his Grace. That’s the beauty of Christ.

V26 my holy things; they do not distinguish between the holy and the common; they teach that there’s is no difference between the unclean and the clean

I always thought that sin is the opposite of holy. But it is further from the truth, commonness is the opposite of sin.
It’s common to worry, to rely on idols (money, other people etc), to be unrighteousness. The world does it, making it a common thing. Will you not break out and be uncommon, special but more importantly right?

Ezekiel 23

This prophecy is quite special as it was said specifically to 2 prostitutes.
Two sisters, Oholah and Oholibah bother names respectively meant her own ten and my tent is in her.

Both sisters engaged in prostitution with handsome young men, governors and commanders but Oholibah took another step worse engaging with Babylonians.

Both were handed over to their lovers and will be killed. But Oholibah punishment was more detailed and perhaps worse.
In context, Oholah could have represented another nation like Samaria, while Oholibah represent Israel the chosen nation. Yet Israel sin was greater than other nations, which grieves the Lord.