Sunday, June 03, 2007

Proverbs 1-3 (3rd June) - Crystal

Proverbs is one of the books of poetry. It offers advice different areas of life and describes wise living leading to a fulfilled Christian life. In Proverbs 3-5 we will read about the meaning of wisdom from Solomon.

Solomon is a man of wisdom. This wisdom comes from fearing God which in turns leads to abundance knowledge that one can have. Pro1:7 . Our God is one who create the universe and all things. Who can grant us more wisdom than Him? Sometimes, in the mist of examinations, we would rather choose to spend more time with our books than God. God is the creator of all. He gives wisdom to those who seek him earnestly.

When God calls, He expects a response. Don’t only answer to His blessings and pleasant words. Listen carefully to His rebuke for they speak of His heart desires and thoughts. Pro 1: 23 Are you running away when He disciplines you? In the end you might find yourself running in circles seeing the same sin over and over again. He loves you so much that He can’t bear to leave you on your own. Pro 3:11-12

There are many benefits when it comes to listening to “God’s wisdom” How do we do it? Pro 2:3-5

Do not give up asking and crying for His wisdom and understand His ways. God wants you to have a desire for it as if searching it like hidden treasure. Just like the pirates, they did not stop searching for the treasures even when storm comes, when enemy attacks, over many generations. Isn’t God’s ways more valuable than that? There are times we cry out for that desire, that understanding of situations in our lives that are so unbearable. Seek the Lord earnestly with His words in the bible. Pro 2:6

Wisdom does not only help you to differentiate what is right and wrong but it guards your heart and protects you from sinning. Have you ever encountered times when you hope to stand up for God but you are unable to hear and speak of His truth, ask for His wisdom. It might be just a prayer or a time of fasting. Most importantly tell Him your desire of knowing the right words to speak at the right time. Pro2:10-13

God’s ways are always better than ours. Most of the time it is easier said than done. Don’t take things into your own hands. Guard your heart and ask Him for advice. He is a 24/7 consultant! That is such a privilege for us as Christians! Pro 3: 5-7 . Can you stop the sun from rising or setting? God can. And through His wisdom, He created heavens and earth. Let your stubbornness be subdued by His wondrous works in your life and allow the gentle and quiet spirit of God fill you.

Do you want to be the Solomon of your generation?