Luke 20
As we learnt about wisdom in yesterday’s sermon, Luke 20 also teaches us how Jesus used his wisdom from God to drive off those who want to set him up. In Luke 20, Jesus was questioned by the high priest of what authority gave Jesus the power to heal and teach. Jesus answered in an intelligent way. He asked them another question, "I will also ask you a question. Tell me, John's baptism—was it from heaven, or from men?" The priest knew that whichever answer they give will not do them good. In this case, God grant Jesus the wisdom to answer those who wanted to harm him. In the very same way, God wants to grant us wisdom in the things we say and do, in order to protect us and to fight against the opposition forces. God wants to bless everyone with wisdom, especially those who are poor.
The parable of the tenants from Jesus told the high priests off when he preaches it to the crowd. He uses example of the tenants as the high priests, the servants as the people sent by God, the son as himself and the owner as God. Jesus taught the parable not only to drive off the high priests but also to help the people understand that He is the one that God sent as the only son.
Once again the high priests sent spies to trap Jesus in his teachings, to arrest him. This time round, they use Caesar the tax collector. Everyone knows that Caesar is a man of lies and sins. Therefore, some were unhappy to even pay taxes to him. The spies questioned Jesus, wanting to trap him with his words. However, Jesus replied to the people, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." This not only convinced the people to give taxes to which it belongs to but also kept the spies silence not knowing what to do next.
Next the Sadducees who do not believe that there is resurrection came to Jesus and question him about his teaching about resurrection and marriage. Using an example of a woman marrying 7 brothers who died after one another, they question Jesus about who does the woman belongs to after death since she was the wife of all 7 brothers. Once more, Jesus gave an answer that convinced the people and shut the Sadducees from asking anymore questions. Jesus said “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive." Indeed, our God is a God of the living and not the dead.
Jesus also warned the people of the false prophets and to always be on guard against those who falsely claim that they are Christ. (further elaboration below)
Luke 21
Jesus used the example of the widow who gave everything that she had to live on as an offering to God to teach the people about a giving heart. After all, what God seeks is not your wealth but a pure heart, a heart that says “I will give up everything for his kingdom” and believing that God will provide us with whatever we need. Will you entrust everything to him?
Luke 21:5-38
Jesus spoke about the signs of the end of age. There were many signs and disasters that will strike on earth and especially the people of God. Jesus made this known to us because he wants to guard our hearts and be always ready for his return. It is said,” and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.” We should always be vigilant and watch our hearts. Stop procrastinating and be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit says to you. The day might not come in the near future, but you never know if you are going to face God before his coming. I believe everyone of us wants to be able to stand in front of God and hear him say, “well done, my servant!” God also promised us, 18But not a hair of your head will perish. 19By standing firm you will gain life, and he said 33Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Always hold on to God’s words closely, if ever one day the bible is not available anymore, how are you going to claim his promises? Therefore, start memorizing verses right now.
Matt 23
The seven woes consist of,
- Those who shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces
- Those who travel over land and sea but fail to win a single convert
- Those who swears by God’s name
- Those who neglected justice, mercy and faithfulness.
- Those who are full of greed and self-indulgence
- Those who are full of hypocrisy and wickedness
- Those who proclaim the wrong doings of their ancestors but yet follow their footsteps
I hope all of us will guard our hearts against all these 7 woes mention in order not to harden our hearts and become indifference to what God has called us to do.