John 10:22-42 The Unbelief of the Jews
The Feast of Dedication commemorated the cleansing of the temple under Judas Maccabeus in 165 B.C. after Antiochus Epiphanes had defiled it by sacrificing a pig on the altar of burnt offering. The feast was celebrated towards the end of December. This is also the present day Feast of Lights called Hanukkah. Solomon’s Colonnade was a roofed walkway supported by large stone columns, just inside the walls of the temple courtyard.
Were the Jews really interested to know if Jesus was Christ? Even after all the miracles that Jesus had performed, they still asked if Jesus was Christ. They were probably hoping that Jesus would say something against the Law or something wrong that they would be able to accuse him. They probably didn’t want to be lead in the way which Jesus has showed them.
Pause for ponder: Do we sometimes asks questions with the right intentions? Do we sometimes query wanting to know the truth? Or do we post questions to our friends or leaders wanting to hear what we want to hear? Are we willing to be lead by Jesus in Jesus’ way or our own way?
Jesus told the Jews that he has already said he is Christ but they do not believe because they are not his sheep. What does this mean? That means we are only able to recognize Jesus’ voice, if we believe in Jesus. By believing in Jesus that He is God and our saviour, he calls us His sheeps and He becomes our shepherd. Being sheeps of Jesus, we know Him, we know His voice, we have eternal life. What a beautiful gift that God has given us when we believe in Him! See also Jesus’ promise that no one can snatch us out of His hands (unless we chose to walk out of His hands).
Pause: Do you know the voice of your heavenly Father Jesus? Do you listen to His voice and follow (obey) Him? Do you have the assurance that you have eternal life and no one can harm you?
When the Jews picked up stones to stone Jesus, Jesus asked them for which of the miracles are they stoning Him for? And the Jews replied they were stoning Him for proclaiming Himself as God and regarded it as blasphemy.
The Jesus replied in verse 37: “Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. 38But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father."
Pause: Can we sometimes be like the Jews? Even after experiencing the miracles of Jesus in our lives but we still do not believe? Although this passage is referring to the unbelief of ‘non-believers’ but it can also fall on us! I pray that we would not see miracles in our lives or even in the lives of others but yet remain unbelieving.
The Jews then tried to grab hold of Jesus but He escaped. Jesus then went to the place where John baptized many and during His stay, many were saved. Their hearts were opened because John the Baptist has already told them about the coming of Christ.
Luke 10 - Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-two
Street evangelism!! Woohoo! Jesus gave very specific instructions on how to do street evangelism. We hear this verse so much ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.’ What does it really mean? Does it mean that believers are few? Or does it mean that the ‘willing ones’ are few?
Jesus reminded the seventy-two that He is sending them as lambs amongst wolves. Its also a reminder of the possibility of danger. Jesus reminded them not to take a purse or sandal or greet people along the way. This suggested the urgency of the ‘mission’ that was given.
"When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house.' 6If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. 7Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Don’t we just love Jesus and his parables? An expert in the law tested Jesus and asked Jesus how he could inherit eternal life. Jesus knew he knew the word of God and asked him what does scripture says? We all know the greatest commandments don’t we?
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'[c]; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
Jesus illustrated how we should love our neighbor by giving us a very practical scenario. First, he illustrated with a priest and second a Levite and third a Samaritan. How does this speak to us? I think Jesus is telling us that, I don’t care what is your position in the society or appointment in church, if we do not love or show mercy, we would not inherit eternal life.
At the Home of Martha and Mary
This is another of my favorite New Testament stories. 2 women, Martha & Mary. Martha is a task oriented person. She is probably the one who loves to serve by cooking (like me) and hosting others. She likes to ensure that her guests are well fed. Mary on the other hand seems to be the lazy one. Not helping her sister with the preparation. Martha complained to Jesus and hope that Jesus will reprimand Mary to help her. Martha probably thought Jesus is male chauvinist and would usher Mary to help. But Jesus did not. Jesus told Martha, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42but only one thing is needed.[f] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’
Is Jesus not sympathetic towards Martha for all the preparations? Was Jesus too harsh on Martha? I believe not. I felt that Jesus called Martha in a very intimate way. Jesus called ‘Martha Martha’. Can you sense the closeness and the love Jesus have for Martha? Note that it is not that preparations are not important. But notice what did Jesus said to Martha? "you are worried and upset about many things”. The preparations were necessary but the worrying was not. Martha was so caught up with wanting to do the best preparations and hoped that we could have an extra hand. On the other hand, should could make a simpler preparation and spend less time preparing and more time with Jesus.
How many of us are like Martha? When it comes to studies, work or when organizing a party or event, are we like Martha? Caught up with the preparation and forgot about spending time with Jesus?
When serving the Lord, are we caught up with the preparations and the doing that we forget to draw strength from Jesus?
Are we too caught up with work that we often find ourselves lost in work and neglect our time with Jesus?
Are some of you sometimes ‘worried & upset’ about grades and performance at school that you we neglect Jesus?
Jesus ended the conversation by saying: ‘Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’
I believe Jesus is suggesting. Both are attitudes are good. But what Mary chosen is better. Our studies, career, events etc would be taken away from us but our time spend with the Lord and our relationship with Him will not be taken away from us.
Jesus' Teaching on Prayer
Another beautiful story. Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus’ to teach them how to pray. Without hesitation, Jesus eagerly 2He said to them, "When you pray, say: " 'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. 3Give us each day our daily bread. 4Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.’”
I would summaries the attitude/principles when praying to God as follows:
1) Praise
2) Providence
3) Forgiveness
4) Deliverance
The very first attitude that we should always have is praising God. Regardless of situations we are in, praise God. We win we praise God, we lose, we praise God. We also praise God with a kingdom mindset.
Next, is providence. Some of us may think, is it too selfish if we ask God next for providence? My answer is no. Let’s look at 2Cor9:11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
Hey! God wants to provide for you so that you can bless others!
Thirdly, we need to ask God for forgiveness of our own sins and ask God to help us forgive others.
Fourthly, ask God for deliverance from temptations.
I believe all these attitudes/principles needs to go hand in hand and not missing out any.
Lastly, just in case we missed out the purpose of praying. Jesus illustrated to us the purpose of prayer is to ask. What did Jesus promise when we ask?
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Don’t we all love this verse? This is the Lord’s promise and assurance to you and God is not slow in providing. Trust in the Lord’s faithfulness today!
Jesus and Beelzebub
When Jesus drove out a mute demon out from a man and causing the man to have the ability to speak again, some said Jesus’ ability came from another demon, Beelzebub. From verse 17, Jesus is saying: If satan gave power to Jesus, who oppose him in every way, he would be supporting an attack upon himself. In verse 19: Jesus did not say whether the followers of Pharisees actually drove out demons but they claimed to drive out demons by the power of God and Jesus claimed the same. So to accuse jesus of suing satanic power was implicitly to condemn their own followers as well. When demons are driven out by the finger of God, that means the king and savior is with us.
The one who does not support Jesus opposes him, making neutrality impossible.
Verse 25: A place has been cleaned up but left unoccupied. This suggests that a reformed life which lacks the presence of God and power is open to reoccupancy by evil.
Jesus is not denying the blessedness of mother mary but is stressing that it is more blessed to be an obedient follower of Christ.
The Sign of Jonah
On several occasions, the Jews asked Jesus for a sign but was rejected as they did not ask with the right intentions. Jesus speaks of His death and resurrection by comparing with Jonah’s ‘burial’ in the huge fish. Jonah went to the town of Ninevah and asked the people to repent. And they did. Jesus is much greater than Solomon and Jonah! All the more the people should have a turn in hearts!
The Lamp of the Body
The light here refers to the light of the gospel. The truth of the Gospel. How can the light be hidden? The problem with the Jews for asking for a sign is not that there isn’t any signs and wonders. But they could not see. Their hearts have probably been corrupted and therefore not able to see the light. This is so beautiful: Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you.
This is suggesting that if our life is pure and holy, the light of the gospel would be shone upon us and revealed to us.
Six Woes
The Pharisees were shocked that Jesus did not clean himself before eating. I would think Jesus did it purposely so that he would start his ‘opening’ talk. Ha! Jesus emphasized the importance of inner cleanliness than the outer cleanliness. Jesus goes on to talk about how the Pharisees seem to be doing the right thing e.g. tithing, and they love their position in the marketplace. But Jesus shamed them that they would not be remembered after their death. The experts of the Law are supposed to ‘liberalize’ the people but they kept the law to themselves. Outwardly, they honour the prophets in the building or rebuilding of memorials but inwardly, they reject the messiah. The people who should have the knowledge to open the minds of others kept the teaching to themselves and left the people in ignorance of the way of salvation.
The Pharisees were of course insulted and planning to trap Jesus.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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