Friday, February 23, 2007

Numbers 1 - 2 (23rd Feb)

Numbers 1

Written by Moses
The Israelites had camped near Mount Sinai for more than a year. They had received all the laws and regulations passed down to them recorded in the book of Leviticus. They had been transformed into a new nation and equipped for God’s purpose for them. Moses and Aaron were told to number all the men who were able to serve in the army. This book is named for this census, or numbering of the people.
Taking a census is long and tedious, but very crucial task. Those involved in the military had to be counted to know the military strength before entering the Promised Land.
**Whenever we are at a crossroad, important to take inventory of our resources, reflect, pray and move on with hope in the Lord.

Numbers 2
The nation of Israel was organized according to 12 tribes:
1) It was an effective way to manage and govern a large group of people,
2)Made dividing the Promised Land easier,
3) It was part of the culture and heritage,
4) made it easier to keep detailed genealogies
5) made travelling much more efficient.

As the people left Mount Sinai and traveled across the desert, they began to complain, grumble and disobey. Soon problems surfaced and Moses was not able to effectively manage the people. The books of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers present a contrast between how much we can accomplish when we obey God and how little when we don’t