Chapter 22
Abraham was tested by the Lord. By then Isaac was a youth. The servants and the young guy, Isaac, happily followed Abraham to worship the Lord. I believe that Abraham just kept silent and feeling down knowing that he was bringing his only son to sacrifice him as a burnt offering. When they about to reach the place of sacrifice, Abraham turn around and told the servants to wait there and he said with confidence, "We will worship and then we will come back to you.(v5)" Believe me, Abraham did not read Genesis 22. So he would not know that God will stop him.
Only you know, I know and those who read will know.
Can you imagine the father and the son alone walking up the journey to the place of sacrifice? Isaac carried the big heavy stack of wood walking up (v6). I hope you know that to burn a body, you need plenty of wood and it is not light. It is like Jesus carrying the Cross and Our father in Heaven bringing His one and only Son to be sacrificed as atonement for our sins.
v9, Abraham built an altar. Take note that when you read Genesis, there are somethings you need to highlight them as bright as possible. They are words like "well", "tree" and "built an altar". I will share more on these in our June Tribe camp.
Abraham chose to obey God to sacrifice his son and God stopped him (v11-12). Then God provided them a ram.
There Abraham called the place "The Lord will provide", "Jehovah Jireh"(v14).
And this time, God assured Abraham in v15-18:-
1. God will surely bless him
2. God will make his descendants as numerous as the stars and sand.
3. God will make his descendants to possess the land
4. Through his offsprings, all nations will be blessed. All these were promised to all of us because Abraham obeyed God (v18).
Chapter 23
Abraham was tested by the Lord. By then Isaac was a youth. The servants and the young guy, Isaac, happily followed Abraham to worship the Lord. I believe that Abraham just kept silent and feeling down knowing that he was bringing his only son to sacrifice him as a burnt offering. When they about to reach the place of sacrifice, Abraham turn around and told the servants to wait there and he said with confidence, "We will worship and then we will come back to you.(v5)" Believe me, Abraham did not read Genesis 22. So he would not know that God will stop him.
Only you know, I know and those who read will know.
Can you imagine the father and the son alone walking up the journey to the place of sacrifice? Isaac carried the big heavy stack of wood walking up (v6). I hope you know that to burn a body, you need plenty of wood and it is not light. It is like Jesus carrying the Cross and Our father in Heaven bringing His one and only Son to be sacrificed as atonement for our sins.
v9, Abraham built an altar. Take note that when you read Genesis, there are somethings you need to highlight them as bright as possible. They are words like "well", "tree" and "built an altar". I will share more on these in our June Tribe camp.
Abraham chose to obey God to sacrifice his son and God stopped him (v11-12). Then God provided them a ram.
There Abraham called the place "The Lord will provide", "Jehovah Jireh"(v14).
And this time, God assured Abraham in v15-18:-
1. God will surely bless him
2. God will make his descendants as numerous as the stars and sand.
3. God will make his descendants to possess the land
4. Through his offsprings, all nations will be blessed. All these were promised to all of us because Abraham obeyed God (v18).
Chapter 23
Death of Sarah and how Abraham negotiated for the land to buried her.
Chapter 24
Isaac has grown up and it was time to get married. Abraham sent forth his servant to look for his wife. His servant prayed to God to give him success (v12). Hey you all can pray for success too. Also look at the blessing on Rebekah in v60. She will multiply and possess the land.
We read this whole chapter. Beautiful love story. How you wish everything is planned for and you know in advance who is the one for your life right? The answer is "WAIT PATIENTLY".
Chapter 24
Isaac has grown up and it was time to get married. Abraham sent forth his servant to look for his wife. His servant prayed to God to give him success (v12). Hey you all can pray for success too. Also look at the blessing on Rebekah in v60. She will multiply and possess the land.
We read this whole chapter. Beautiful love story. How you wish everything is planned for and you know in advance who is the one for your life right? The answer is "WAIT PATIENTLY".