Chapter 17 is a continuation of Job replied from Chapter 16,
In Chapter 18, it was Bildad's turn to reply Job. Bildad is like a very sarcastic guy. Look at his respond in v2. "When will you end your speeches? Be sensible, and then we can talk." This reminded me of this chinese phase one of my 12 (you will know who) always says. He like to say, "Wah, better don't talk anymore, if not 'yue miao yue hei'." "More cat more black" :p heh.
Chapter 19 was Job reply. Job seems like pulling out his hair in replying Bildad. see v2. "How long will you torment me". That's whay I said Job can't stand it. he was being tormented. He even counted the numbers of time Bilda reproached him v3. There is one thing he said that really encourages me.It is found in v25. "I know that my Redemeer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth."
Understand this, in the end Jesus WINS. So, we need to know that we already have the victory. This is the year of victory. Let's live victoriously in every area of our lives.
Chapter 20 is Zophar again who replied Job with his own understanding (v3). Nothing to mention about him anymore. Talk some more, more cat more black.