Chapter 29 - 31 is the continuation of Job's 6 chapters reply.
From Chapter 29 - 31, I only have one thing to share with you guys out there. It is found in Chapter 31:1 "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl." Many times I talked to guys and there is 1 common thing they will struggle with. It is "lust".
In Matthew 5:28 "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Guys, let us make a covenant with our eyes that we will not look at a girl lustfully. Let us respect girls. They are God's unique and beautiful creation. Do not degrade them. Pray and ask God to forgive us and to cleanse our eyes and our minds. Whatever we see, thoughts will formulate in our mind. Do not let the thoughts be subject to lust.
Girls, you too, must help your brothers around you. Do not dress scantily or dress to kill. Please watch your dressing. You may stumble your brother in Christ and may cause them to lust over you. Especially when you go church, you go to worship God and not to attract guys. Let me tell you girls, it is not good for a guy to lust over you, you just do not know what will go on in the mind of a guy. It is better not to know. You will not like it. So dress decently.
Girls, I believe all of you would like a good and decent boyfriend and as your husband. Then dress decently. Decent gals attract decent guys.