Exodus 33
God and Moses talked face to face in the Tent of Meeting like friends. Isn’t that awesome? How I wish I can do that with God…Why did Moses receive such privileges from God? Not due to his talents, gifts or character…but simply because God chose Moses in the first place and Moses obeyed, relied and followed what God asked him to do. Though we can’t talk with God face to face, we can still talk with God and Jesus will always be a friend to us. We just ended today’s Friendship event at MagicBox. God is really reminding us that He is our friend yesterday and today and forever. Praise the Lord!
God and Moses talked face to face in the Tent of Meeting like friends. Isn’t that awesome? How I wish I can do that with God…Why did Moses receive such privileges from God? Not due to his talents, gifts or character…but simply because God chose Moses in the first place and Moses obeyed, relied and followed what God asked him to do. Though we can’t talk with God face to face, we can still talk with God and Jesus will always be a friend to us. We just ended today’s Friendship event at MagicBox. God is really reminding us that He is our friend yesterday and today and forever. Praise the Lord!
Moses told God not to send them up to where God wanted them to go if the Lord God won’t be there. I fully agree. I will never want to do something or go somewhere if God will not be there with me. I want His guidance, His blessings and His presence to be with me at all times. I am sure all of you will fully agree with me. But pause again, sometimes, we do things without really praying and seeking His approval…hence, stop and invite God to be with you at all times and in doing all things.
Exodus 34
God did not give Moses the vision of His power and majesty, rather His love. God’s glory is revealed in His mercy, grace compassion, faithfulness, forgiveness and justice.
God mentioned-Do not worship any other god, for the Lord whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. God wants us to give Him wholeheartedly-our heart, mind, time, money…
Moses’ face was radiant after he spent time with God. Although we are not like Moses, we still need to spend time with God - reading and mediating upon His words, praying and simply taking delight to be with Him all the time. We can then radiate the beauty of God in us. This is the beauty that will last. Have you seen someone who is physically not that pretty or handsome, but when you spend time with this person, you find this person so beautiful as the beauty of God is reflected through him/her. I definitely want this type of beauty.
Exodus 35
Tabernacle construction- the people were called to construct the tabernacle based on God’s specific instructions. God gives each of us a gift, a talent. We are to use them to His glory. Thank God for whatever gift or talent you have and for some of us who are not sure what are our gifting, ask God to reveal to you and use it for His glory.