Thursday, February 01, 2007

Exodus 7 - 9 (1st Feb)

Exodus 7

So ironic, God sent Moses and Aaron to rescue the Israelites and yet God hardened the heart of Pharaoh (v1-4). Well this was to show God’s mighty power and judgment over the Egyptians who had ill-treated God’s people. Remember in Genesis 45:18 that the previous Pharaoh promised the Joseph and his families the best of land and they can enjoy the fats of the land. In Genesis 47:20-27, you can see that the Israelites acquired property, were fruitful and great in number. Also then in Exodus 1:7, the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly in numbers. But sadly in Exodus 1:8, a new king took over Egypt who did not know anything about Joseph. This is why God held judgment against Egypt and wanted to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt.

Then Pharaoh asked Moses and Aaron to perform a miracle. With Aaron’s staff, it became a snake. Also Pharaoh’s wise men, sorcerers and magicians came and perform the same act and each one threw their staff and it turned to a snake. Although the movie only shown 3 person with 3 snakes, you can read carefully that there were more then one wise man, more than one sorcerer and more than one magician because all is in plural. Then came the snake fight and Aaron’s snake won by eating up all the snakes. After eaten up so many snakes, it sure to be fat or maybe it was Anacondas. Still the Pharaoh’s heart was hardened.

So, the Lord started the mighty acts of judgment (v4), first, with the plague of blood. There were 10 plagues. The whole of Exodus is divided into
10 Plagues
10 Commandments
10 Parts of the Tabernacle

So, the first plague was the plague of blood where God said to Moses to tell Aaron to strike the water with his staff on the water of Nile and all the water in streams, canals, ponds, reservoirs, wooden bucket and stone jars (v19) turned to blood.

Exodus 8

For 7 days everywhere was blood and God said “Let my people go so that they may worship Me”. (v1). Pharaoh’s heart was hardened because his magicians also did the same with their secret arts (Ex 7:22). Then God sent the plague of frogs. Can you imagine frogs everywhere and the numerous screams by the gals? With all these, Pharaoh’s heart was softened and asked Moses and Aaron to ask God to get rid of the frogs and it was so. The frogs died. Because of that, Pharaoh hardened his heart again (v15)

Well, if this will to happen in China, frogs everywhere, it will be great. Chinese eats everything. By the way, Geylang got nice frog porridge. Oh man, I’m hungry. I’m still working in Bogota timing, lunchtime now over there and midnight here.

Then came the third plague, the plague of gnats where it stuck on men and animal irritating them and followed by the plague of flies swarmed everywhere, because Pharaoh’s heart was hardened.

Exodus 9

5th The plague on the livestock where all livestock died
6th The plague of festering boils that broke out on men and animals
7th The plague of hailstorm. Again Pharaoh asked Moses and Aaron to pray to God to stop and Moses did. But after Pharaoh saw that, he hardened his heart again. Sigh.

Well, all I can wrap up is this. God wants us to be free and to worship Him. DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART.