Chapter 8
It is explained to the Israelites that God chose to chasten them as a father chastens his son. Although they’ll in the wilderness for forty years, the lord provided for them and watched over them. Are you going through the wilderness in your life? Remember God, as he allowed you to go through this wilderness so that you’ll be tested and be humbled. Once this period of your life is over, prepare for His victory which He will bring to you. Even then, do not forget the Lord by not keeping his commandments.
Chapter 9
Are there challenges that lie before you, seemingly too big or unattainable? Are conquering these challenges the victory that you crave for in your life? Remember to commit them to God because He fights for you. However, do not be complacent that the victory belongs to you because you deserve them or because you’re righteous. God calls the Israelites a stiff-necked people and it’s because the Israelites were stubborn and refuses to bend to God’s will.
Chapter 10
This chapter talks about the 2nd set of tablets and what God requires of us in regards to the law. You’ll realize that He asks "…fear the lord your god, to walk in all his ways and to love Him, to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good." It urges us to circumcise the foreskins of our heart (calls for a commitment to be obedient to the will of God) and be stiff-necked no longer.