Numbers 33 & 34
My first impression when I read chapter 33:50-56. What a harsh command... to drive out the Canaanites.... which ended off we a 'threat' in vs 56.
Began to read my study bible.
Why were the Isralites told to destory the people living in Canaan?
1) God was stamping out the wickedness of an extremely sinful nation. The Canaanites brought on their own punishment. Idol worship expressed their deepest evil desires, which led to the worship of Satan and rejection of God.
2) God wanted to remove all trace of pagan beliefs & pratices from the land. He did not want his people to mix or compromise with idolatry.
- Be harsh, really harsh, to the sins in our lives.
Don't be hesitant to DRIVE SINS OUT of your life.
- Pray for our family, friends & nation to accept the Lord and STOP THEIR IDOL WORSHIP... which is extremely hurtful to God. :(
Chapter 34...
What can I say... God gives super super detailed & clear instructions to His people!