Thursday, May 31, 2007

2 Chronicles 1, 1 Kings 3 - 4, Psalm 72 (31st May) - Weiling

Psalm 72
There are only two psalms attributed or credited to Solomon. They are Ps 127 (shared yesterday by Vivien) and Ps 72.

However, it is not very clear if the “Of Solomon” of Ps 72 means it is by him or by King David as a prayer for his son because it ends of with v.20 “This concludes the prayers of David, the son of Jesse”. It is likely it is the latter.

It is a prayer to God for the king to be just and righteous and to have a special heart for the afflicted and needy. Indeed, special mention is given twice to the “afflicted” and “needy” in v.4 and v.12-14; for the king to save and defend them. It is important for a leader to have compassion for and not forget those who are weak. Let’s pray for the leaders and rulers over us to have that.

King David also prayed for Solomon’s legacy, that he will “endure as long as the sun” (v.5) and that people will pray and bless him (v.15). He also prayed for his name to “endure forever” and that “all nations will be blessed through him” (v.17). David also prayed for the greatness of his kingdom (v.8-11; 16).

However, some scholars have also said that v.2-17 is actually a prophecy of the kingdom of Christ.

2 Chron 1; 1 King 3&4
You will realize that as you read 2 Chron 1 and 1 King 3, that they are similar.
Both speak of God appearing to Solomon in a dream and asking him “Ask for whatever you want me to give you”.

What a million-dollar question!! Pause for awhile now and ask yourself, what would YOU ask? Don’t attempt to give the “correct” answer or a textbook answer; what is your truthful answer? I think our answer would reveal what is in our hearts, what our desires are, what the priorities in our lives are. For many of us, we would probably ask for something for ourselves.

Solomon truly had a heart of wanting to serve the people he was leading. He put them before himself. He asked for wisdom and knowledge that he may govern God’s people well. No wonder it pleased God so much to give him everything else! Solomon was wise and had wealth and honour that no kings before or after him ever had.

We see in 1 King 3:16-28 a demonstration of King Solomon’s wisdom and discernment. He was able to know the heart of a mother and this enabled to judge and rule justly and wisely. He knew a mother’s heart was always for the welfare of the child and not her own. This is love.

1 King 4
In this chapter, we discover from Solomon’s daily provision that he led a very grand life. There was much prosperity and peace. The twelve district officers provided and made sure that nothing was lacking. He also had fame and wisdom with “men of all nations” (v.34) coming to listen to him. God answered David’s prayer for Solomon. God gave Solomon what He promised him in his dream.