Psalm 131
This psalm of David shows that he was truly great man. Some people get a high position and become very proud. When David was a young man, his brother Eliab was angry with him and said that David was proud, 1 Samuel 17:28, but even when he became king, he was not proud. The man who really knows God is always humble. In the last verse, David called on Israel to hope in the Lord forever.
The Lord Jesus Christ came to this world as a humble Man, Matthew 11:29; 21:5; Philippians 2:8. His followers should never be proud, Colossians 3:12.
Psalm 138
This psalm is a praise psalm where David gave thanks to the Lord with his whole heart, with everything he had. He did this before the rulers, and in the temple of God. God made His name and His word to be most important. God’s names tell us what He is like, and we can learn these names from His word. His words and promises are always true so men can trust in His Name. God had promised to answer David’s prayers and he praised Him for doing so.
We know God’s character through His word and also through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:14,18.
David may have been the only king in the world at that time who was singing praise to Jehovah, but some day all kings will praise Him. They will hear the Word of God and will sing about His ways, the way He does things. One thing God often does, He brings down men who are proud and sets up those who are humble.
The Lord can do anything and David thanked Him for saving his life. He was sure that God would work out His own plan for him and asked Him not to leave him alone.
The most important thing for any son of God is to be in God’s plan for him. Sometimes we try to make our own plans, and fail to do what God wants. The Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to do His Father’s will, and we should try to know God’s will and do it at all times.
Psalm 139
In this psalm the Holy Spirit tells us through David a great deal about God. The Psalm is a song of praise, but the last part is a prayer to God.
This psalm teaches us that God knows everything. He knew David’s thoughts, his ways and his words. God laid His hand on His servant to keep him from sin. David did not understand how God could know everything.
Also, God is everywhere. He is in heaven, but we cannot escape from Him by going to the place of dead people. If we go to distant lands, the Lord will keep us dafely with His right hand. God can see us in the dark, because He is Light.
Then the Spirit teaches us that God can do anything. Many Psalms tell about God’s wonderful power, but here David spoke about a little baby growing before it is born. God tells us some of His thoughts, and they are indeed very wonderful; David cound not even count them.
God is also righteous. David knew that God would punish wicked men and he did not want to be like them when He did so, David hated these men because they were God’s enemies.
The Lord Jesus told us to love our enemies, but we know that God must judge sinners. He is right and they are wrong; we are on God’s side.
The word also tells us that God is love. Here we see that God loves men because He took care of David and kept him from sin. He asked God to test his thoughts, to show him if there was any sin in his heart, and to lead him in the right way.
This is eternal life: to know God and to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
John 17:3
The whole bible tells us about God, but this little psalm in 24 verses tells us a great deal about Him. We should praise God for what He is and ask Him to help us do what will please Him.
Psalm 143
Daivd asked God to hear him and to answer him because He is righteous. Still he remembered that no one is righteous in God’s sight; if He called us to judge us, He would find all men to be guilty. David’s enemy almost succeeded in killing him. David thought of his early life when the Lord had helped him and now he wished that the Lord was near him again.
David called on Jehovah to answer his prayer quickly because he thought he might die. He asked the Lord to save him and asked that the Holy Spirit would show him God’s way.
In the last part, David asked God to save his life because He is a righteous God. David was God’s servant and he prayed that He would cut off all Hid enemies.
If we serve God we can trust Him to take care of us. We do not say that we have not committed any sin in God’s sight, but we can trust Him to help us when our enemies would like to get us out of the way.
Psalm 144
David wrote this psalm after he had become king of Israel. In the first part he praise the Lord for helping him. The Lord taught him how to fight and protected him from his enemies. David asked why God should pay any attention to men, who can live in this world only for a short time.
David then prayed that the Lord would save him from men who came from other countires, who did not tell the truth. He promised to sing songs of praise to God for this victory.
The last part of Psalm 144 is a prayer that God would bless the nation of Israel. The kind wanted the young people to be strong. He prayed that they would have enough food to eat and that their animals would have plenty of young. The people would be happy because Jehovah was their God.
We can be happy even though we are not rich IF the Lord is our God. Real life is to know God, not to own many things in this world. Luke 12:15. If we know what God wants, we will be happy IF we do it. John 13:!7.
Psalm 145
David wrote about 75 psalms and Psalms 145 is the last of these in the book of Psalms. It is a song of praise to the Lord, like the other psalms at the end of the book. Here each verse begins with a different Hebrew letter, like psalms 37 and 119 and others. For example verse 2 begins with B and verse 4 with D. We learn from this that all human lanuages is needed to properly praise God.
David praised God because He is great! Notice the word great in verse 3. Older people should tell those who are younger about the works of Jehovah. David and all men will tell of God’s wonderful works.
God is also very good. Men should praise Him because He is righteous, merciful and good to all men. All God’s works and all God’s people will give Him praise. They will make known His glory and power to all men, because He will be King forever.
In the last part of the psalm we read of God’s love. He holds men so they will not fall into sin, and He lifts them up if they do fall. Both men and animals looks to God and He gives them the food they need. The Lord is righteous and kind in everything He does. He is near when we truly call on Him for help, but He must judge all men. David promised to praise the Lord and called on all men to do the same.
Thanks be to God, He is both our Saviour and King!
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise!
Charles Wesley