Proverbs 19
Verses 4 and 7:
Nowadays when u’re rich..everyone flocks to you but when they know that u are poor, they may not even want to be near u.. Thank God that He accepts us for who we are and although we’re so poor (in spirit etc), and He’s so rich, He does not despise us but instead wan to even draw close to us.
Verses 5 and 9:
Repetition of this verse twice means God’s emphasizing that those who tell lies will really perish and to really watch our tongues. Check on ourselves daily. Did we tell any lies yesterday, today and do we intend to tell a lie the next day (maybe to cover up for something we did that’s not right?)? we must constantly do a reality check on ourselves everyday so that we don’t stray away n take God’s grace and mercy for granted.
Verse 17:
Being kind to the poor is like lending to God. I remember during the Jackie Pullinger conference where she mentioned that we should treat everyone as if they were Jesus Himself and treat them like we would treat Jesus.
Matthew 25:45-"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
God sees and rewards accordingly. He does the heart check on us and He knows best.
Verse 20:
Listen to the advice of your leaders as their advice is for your own good. Sometimes things that they say you may not like it and may not obey. But it’s actually these words that are the good advice, and it is because they care so much for u and love u so dearly that they choose to tell u things that u don’t like to hear rather than things that you like to hear so that things will turn out well and u may realized that u became wise through all these! Verse 27 mentions again that it is not wise to not listen to instruction.
Proverbs 20
Verse 1:
Wine is a mocker and beer a bawler. It is not wise to be led astray by them. How can we be led astray by alcohol? They are not even living. But be careful. Satan uses them to create chaos. Too much alcohol causes one to lose his/her consciousness and he/she may end up doing things that he/she does not know. This is very dangerous and one can fall into sin very easily. Thus it is not wise to be led astray by them in that sense. It is not ok to be drunk with alcohol. Know your limits. If you do not know your limits then don’t drink at all.
Verse 6:
Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find? Thank God that He is the faithful One, with that unfailing and unconditional love for us. For where else can we find one who would die for us sinners but only He, who loves us so much? Man’s love will fail, but God’s love never fails. Seek God’s love, not man’s.
Verse 22:
Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you.
We don’t have to slap the other guy back when he slaps us in the face. We don’t have to get back at that person who wronged us or hurt us etc. Just wait upon the Lord, He would deliver us and deal with the person accordingly.
Verse 27:
The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man; it searches out his inmost being.
The footnotes says this: The spirit of man is the LORD 's lamp.
We represent God’s lamp to shine onto the world in His image.
Proverbs 21
Verse 13:
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.
God hears our cries, He hears the cries of the poor. Let us not be ignorant to the cries of the poor but to meet their needs and to serve them to the best that we can =)
This chapter is about the wicked and righteous. Be righteous and see yourself prosper in God’s hands=)