Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Proverbs 7 - 9 (5th June) - Melvin

Proverbs 7: Warning Against the Adultress

This is a follow up chapter addressing the importance of guarding our hearts against adultery. Proverbs 4,5,6 have addressed the severity of adultery and how displeasing such an act is to our Father Lord.

Proverbs 7 introduces the character that can lead young men astray - the Adultress. God commands that we keep his teachings and his word close to our hearts so as they may aid in guarding our hearts and nurture wisdom in us (Verse 1-5), which will prove useful because (verse 7) "a youth who lacked judgment" falls and sways easily to the Adultress's persuasive words (verse 21).

It is not to say a wise man will not falter BUT a wiseman in God will possess better judgment and know HOWto guard his heart against temptations. Equipped with God's teachings and through God, we can overcome all difficulties.

Verse 22 onwards mentions of how faltering is a terrible sin that ultimately leads to death (Proverbs 7:27: her house is a highway to the grave, leadingdown to the chambers of death). The Adultress here also takes on a more deeper significance, She is the evil one, who uses persuasive words, material temptations, lust, lies masked with worldy wants etc to seduce us into faltering and to sin in our daily lives at any possible location (verse12: now in the street, now in the squares).

Brothers and sisters in Christ, the Father urges us to hold onto his Word for it gives us wisdom to fight the Spiritual Battles in our daily lives.

Proverbs 8: Wisdom Calls

Previously in chapter 7, we refer to wisdom as a sister and we are told to call understanding our kinsman. In chapter 8, it describes what wisdom is and how wisdom can be such an amazing gift from God. Verses 10, 11 and 19 - compares wisdom with some of the finest metals and precious stones in the world.

Wisdom is indeed better than the finest gold. Important in this chapter is verse 32 onwards, how wisdom urges all brothers and sisters to seek after it and (verse 35) "for whoever finds me finds life andreceives favour from the Lord".. It is as if Jesus is speaking us as "Wisdom". The chapter ends of in verse 36, "But whoever fails tofind me harms himself; all who hate me love death". Notice how the word "death" is used again, to end of chapter 7 and then again to end of chapter 8. This shows a link to both chapters and emphasizes on how we must consistently and constantly seek for God's wisdom in our lives, that we may make wise and well-judged actions and choices that will glorify his kingdom and his ways.