The city of Nineveh shouldn't be unfamiliar to most of us. It was the city that Jonah went to via a very unusual route. Boat, stomach of a big fish, the big fish's vomit, and finally by foot. He could have skipped the first 3 modes of transport if he had opted to obey God, when he first called. But God gave him a second chance, and he made good and brought Nineveh to repent and reconcile to God, and God's wrath against the powerful city subsided.
About a 100 years on, Nineveh(which is the capital of Assyria by the way) had gone back to their sinful ways. They have become(or maybe they always were) a powerful city, and their soldiers are extremely brutal(Nah 3:1-4). The NIV version of the book actually ends with the 3 words, ''your endless cruelty''. Thus, we can imagine that the surrounding nations must be absolutely terrified of Assyria.
Imagine bringing the gospel to Iraq now. Many of us would buy a plane ticket to USA. I imagine God would then have to send a big bird when you're thrown out of the plane. Not Nahum. At least the bible didn't record that he ran away. This man of huge faith wrote about the destruction of the great city of Nineveh. Although nothing is written about him bringing the letter into that city, he obviously addressed the bulk of the letter to the Assyrians. What are the risks involved? Would we do the same if God called us to?
Nahum 1
The first half of the chapter talks about God's kindness while the second half talks about his sterness. Perhaps verse 3 would be a good summary verse for this chapter and even the book.
''The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished.''
Thanks be to Daddy for his patience with us! But if he leaves us unpunished, will we ever learn? If he leaves us unpunished, will we become good testimonies and shining lights for the lost? He loves us, and he punishes because of his love and his anger against sin.
Another verse that stuck out was verse 7,
''The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.''
Do we feel that our circumstances are beyond us? Trust in God. He is the one who permitted the devil to put these circumstances into our lives! Those who are in difficulties now, may it be strained relationships, stressful workload, financial problems, health problems etc.. God cares. Trust in Him.
God gave me another perspective to this verse too. ''A refuge in times of trouble.'' In times of victory and joy? Do we still remember that the LORD is good? God once gave me a revelation when i took a bus. How many of us actually talk to the bus drivers who send us to and from school and work each day? Perhaps only when encounter difficulties. Our ez-link card runs out of money, the machine is spoilt, etc..
''Uncle, how much?''
''Uncle, machine spoil.''
Do we ever say things like,
''Uncle, good morning!''
''Uncle, have a great day today!''
Seek God always. In times of trouble and tears, pray. In times of jubilee and celebration, remember God and give thanks.
Nahum 2
This chapter talks about how God would proceed to bring about the downfall of the great capital city of Assyria. Swap the word Nineveh with your own name. Imagine the terror. Let's repent and walk right with God, today.
Nahum 3
Verses 1-4 talks about the sins of Nineveh, while the remaining verses talks about Nineveh's end, never to be rebuilt again.
Nah 1:3
''The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished.''
Let's not take God's grace for granted=)