As you read the passages accounted by 3 authors of the Gospel, it will be interesting to know their background which led to their writing style.
We first read from Mark. He was Barnabas’ cousin (Col 4:10). Lifting from my student Bible, he was referred warmly as a son by Apostle Peter (1 Pet 5:13). He accompanied Peter to Rome, where Peter helped him write the Gospel account that bears Mark’s name.
Mark is the shortest Gospel. His emphasis is on what Jesus did, rather than what Jesus said.
Next, Luke was known as a physician and companion of Apostle Paul (Col 4:14). He was highly educated person. He did investigations and conducted interviews with eyewitnesses. Therefore it is one of the more thorough and detailed Gospel. He backdated his account from the birth of John the Baptist!
Finally, Matthew was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples who was the tax collector. According to my Student Bible, the arrangement of the Gospel of Matthew reflected his occupation as a tax collector - systematic, ledger-sheet thinking. He doesn’t tell Jesus’ story chronologically; he groups facts topically. Also, his account included events after the resurrection. [Gospel of John also has an intimate account of events that occurred after the resurrection, as he is one of Jesus’ Twelve]
So we can see that God has arranged it in a way that 4 persons from 2 different time periods and closeness with Jesus would write about the Gospel in different styles for different audiences. Here we see the cooperation of 4 gospels to form a complete Gospel!
Mark 9: 2 – 13; Luke 9:28-36; Matthew 17:1 – 13
The Transfiguration
Jesus took Peter, James and John to a high mountain to pray. Then He transfigured right before their eyes. Moses and Elijah appeared. Jesus has an inner circle of disciples among the twelve, namely the 3 mentioned earlier. When we are so close to God, He will reveal an intimate part of Himself to us. Be part of the inner circle! As written in James 4:8, Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you! =)
Mark 9:14 - 32; Luke 9: 37 – 45; Matthew 17: 14 – 19, 22 – 23
The Healing of a Boy with an Evil Spirit
Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matt 17:19-20
Have you ever question God, why can this person can perform such miracle or manifestation, why can’t I? I’ve asked that before, then I would think to myself, oh man…my prayer today got no power… Sometimes we can fall into the trap of self-glorification. Our source of faith must be correct in the first place. I always find that the most powerful prayer that I’ve said is always when I humble myself before God and know that without Him, I am nothing. When our focus is right, with the faith as small as a mustard seed, it can move mountain already!
Matt 17:24 – 27
The Temple Tax
This is unique to Matthew, as he was a tax collector, so he is knowledgeable in this aspect and also money matters.
It doesn’t make sense for Jesus to pay tax, since it was for the temple.
However, as a layman Peter would naturally think that the right thing to do was to pay tax, and Jesus will definitely do the right thing, so he answered on behalf of Jesus.
When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. "What do you think, Simon?" he asked. "From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own sons or from others?"
However, Jesus chose to take the humble route and chose not to offend them. But He still had the aura of God. He got the money from a fish that Peter was told to catch, and He also provided for Peter’s share! Jesus is really the coolest guy on earth!
Mark 9:33 - 40; Luke 9: 46 - 48
Who will be the Greatest?
There are many paradoxes in Christianity. This is one of them. Want to be the greatest? Then be a servant! Humility is the key to been the greatest, because this prevent you from being an arrogant person. It helps us to focus others rather than ourselves.
Mark 9: 38 – 41; Luke 9:49 - 50
Whoever is Not Against Us is For Us
I don’t think this is much of a problem for us in this era. In fact we are happier that more people are doing the right thing in the name of Jesus. But I think we can apply it on other context. Especially when we identify each other in groups and cliques. We shouldn’t allow such exclusivity be a barrier to our relationship with other Christians, because we are but ONE BODY OF CHRIST.
Mark 9: 42 – 50
Causing to Sin
Jesus viewed stumbling blocks very seriously. If any part of our body causes us to sin, cut it off and throw it into hell! Wah… Serious… Be careful that we don’t be a stumbling block to others. Be at peace with each other.
Luke 9:51 – 56
Samaritan Opposition
Jesus and disciples were not welcomed in a Samaritan village, and John and James actually asked Jesus if He wanted them to call fire down! John was known as “Son of Thunder” and we can see why from here. But that also showed the faith that he had! I guess that’s why even though John wasn’t the best-tempered person, but was chosen to be in the in-group of Jesus. Of course, Jesus rebuked them.
Luke 6: 57 – 62
The Cost of Following Jesus
It seems like a high price. Basically it about being obedient towards God and putting Him first in our lives. Dying to oneself. Can you do it? Not easy, but possible. It’s a matter of your heart condition.