Acts 11
Once again, GOD is dealing the issue in Peter’s Jewish heart.
“Do not call anything impure that GOD has made clean”, Peter struggle dealing the lingering attitudes toward the Gentiles through this time as GOD had to repeat 3 times in 2 different visions. Even Peter, the pillar in the House of GOD, in his walk He has issues to be dealt with in his heart, to grow and to humble.
In the next section, revival broke out in Antioch and a new church was born. The Jerusalem church sent Barnabas to lend support and encouragement because he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. When he arrived, he saw that the expanding church needed gifts he did not have, he brought Paul in to teach the new believers, sharing leadership for the sake of the church maturity.
Acts 12
As King Herod wanted to kill the people belonging to the church, GOD intervened. Peter was saved and he went back to the house testifying the greatness of out Lord.
It must have served as a great encouragement to them as it not only strengthens their faith but seeing how our GOD is a protector of their lives.
While King Herod ordered the execution of his guards failing to detain Peter, he was struck down publicly and the word of GOD continues to increase and spread.