Acts 7 documents Stephen’s review of Jewish history, which carries the testimony of God’s faithfulness and sovereignty.
In Acts 7:30, we read about Moses’ encounter with God at Mount Sinai.
Acts 7:44-50 emphasise that God do not only dwell in His temple, but wherever hearts of faith are open.
In Acts 7:55-60, Stephen saw the Glory of God and Jesus sitting at His right hand. Stephen was stoned to death while praying for forgiveness (reminded of Jesus on the cross?) for his offenders. He was the first to give up his life for the Gospel.
Acts 8 started with Saul agreeing with the death of Stephen and persecuting the church.
Philip went to a city in Samaria, preaching & doing miraculous work and there was great revival in the city. Even Simon, a man who practiced sorcery believed and was baptised.
In Acts 8:14-24, the apostles in Jerusalem, upon hearing the revival of Samaria, asked Peter and John to baptise them in the Holy Spirit. And indeed, the apostles received the Holy Spirit after Peter and John prayed and placed hands on them. Simon, after witnessing the baptism of Holy Spirit, offered money in return for the same and was rebuked by Peter to repent of his wickedness and sin.
Acts 8:26-40, back to Philip, he was led by an angel to an eunuch who was on his way back from Jerusalem. Philip, prompted by the Holy Spirit, went up to the eunuch who was reading the Scripture (Isaiah), and asked if he understood what he was reading & took the opportunity to preach to him. The eunuch was then baptised in the faith (& water).