Book of James
Chapter 1 teaches us not to grumble when adversities come. These times of “testing” can produce fine spiritual qualities which could not develop if life were smooth and unruffled. They help us to grow and make us more mature (James 1:4). It also mentions that man’s words are sometimes destructive but God’s word is thoroughly and uniquely beneficial. God’s word must not simply be heard, but it has to be practiced and applied. If we obey God’s word, we control our speech (James 1:26). God’s word touches our hearts and sanctifies our character.
Chapter 2 shows the concern James has for the poor. There is no class-conscious favoritism in the church (James 2:1-4). It also brings across the important point that words alone are not what requires of us (James 2:15). True faith is always expressed in consistent good works and deeds.
Chapter 3 is where James has a great deal to say about both appropriate and unfitting speech. Our tongue has astonishing potential for either good or evil. With our tongue, we can glorify God (James 3:9) or create havoc as what is mentioned in Chapter 4. We need God’s wisdom to know the best way to act in a given circumstance.
A believer ought to subject all his life to God’s sovereign will and not boast and brag about either his achievements or ambitions. It is better to use the opportunity of each day not simply to think about good things but to actually do them (James 4:17).
Then in Chapter 5, James returns again to the subject of the “rich and poor”. Some rich had loads of wealth (James 5:1-3) but at the expense of their poor employees (James 5:4), where oppression by greedy citizens and landowners is exposed and condemned with righteous anger. The cries of the poor were heard by God but such cries should also be answered by us. There are millions of people in Third World countries who may be crying out for help – we should make a constant effort to pray and give to these who are crying out.
And if we ourselves are found to be in a difficult position, whatever life’s circumstances may be, we need to develop qualities of endurance and remember that God’s faithfulness. God is always true to His word.
Lastly, in Chapter 5, prayer is not simply an exercise during times of troubles – something that many of us may more frequently do only in times when our circumstances are down. It is equally important when life seems kind to us (James 5:13).