The following are accounts which had not been metioned in Matthew and Mark
Luke 24
Jesus's disciples were the closest to Him yet it seems like his prophecy that He would be risen from the dead and the world would know that He is the Messiah didn't sink through their ears. Even when Jesus walked alongside them, the did not recognise him even after talking with him!!
Finally when they were eating together with Him then were their eyes opened. Jesus also showed them the scars on his hands and feet to prove that he was not a ghost nor figment of their imgination
John 21
Jesus appeared again to his disciples as they were fishing and blessed them with a huge catch till the net was bursting full. I believe it was an encouragement to them, an assurance that he will not forget them. and the huge catch of fish was to indicate of the work they would do - bringing in a mighty harvest for God.
Dear friends and family, i pray with all my heart that our tribe will unite together and move as one with one heartbeat in christ to save souls for God!