“Famous Last Words”
This is the last letter to Timothy, written by Apostle Paul, before his death in the Roman Prison. His letter was to give final instructions and encouragement to Timothy, the pastor of the church at Ephesus.
The key verse of his letter is this, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15)
In his letter, Paul is giving Timothy advice to remain solidly grounded in Christian service and to endure suffering in the difficult days to come. It is easier for us to serve God for the wrong reasons: because it is exciting, because our friends are there, for the recognition or because it is personally enriching. Without a proper foundation, we find it easy to quit during difficult times. Hence, Paul’s letter covers the main themes of the Foundations of Christian service.
Theme: Boldness
Explanation: Paul urges Timothy to carry out his ministry without fear or shame by using boldly the gifts of preaching and teaching that the Holy Spirit has given him, even in the face of opposition and persecution.
Importance: God honours our confident testimony even when we suffer. To overcome our fear of what people might say or think, we need to take our eyes off of people and look only to God.
Theme: Faithfulness
Explanation: Jesus was faithful to us in dying for our sin; Paul was faithful to God even while he was in prison. Paul urged Timothy to maintain loyalty and endurance.
Importance: As we trust Christ, He will count us worthy to suffer, and He will give us the strength to help us to be steadfast.
Theme: Preaching & Teaching
Explanation: As Paul and Timothy were both active in preaching and teaching the Good News about Jesus Christ, Paul urged Timothy to not just to carry the torch of Truth, and to pass on to others in sound doctrine and enthusiasm for Christ’s mission.
Importance: We must prepare people to transmit God’s word to others so that they in turn might pass it on.
Theme: Error
Explanation: In the last days, there will be false teachers, and backsliders. We need to be ready with a solid program to equip Christians.
Importance: Knowing the Word of God is a sure defense against error and confusion.
Personal Reflection:
Having read this letter by Paul, I am inspired by Paul’s faithfulness to God in the ministry. His life has left a legacy that continues to inspire many Christians till today. I would like for my life to leave behind a legacy that is according to God’s will for my life. For it is God’s call for us to do all we can to keep the gospel message alive for the next generation.