Saturday, December 29, 2007

Revelations 6 - 11 (29th December) - Sky

Revelations 6

Here there were 7 seals released although only 6 were revealed in this chapter, each with a different impact, different disaster.

1st seal- We see here a conqueror bent on conquest, it probably paint a picture of a powerful, destructive force of military conquest. The three riders the conqueror is grouped with here is violence, famine and death.

2nd seal – this seal a red fiery horse, the rider was holding a large sword was released, whom brought chaos among the world.

3rd seal – this seal a black horse, the rider was holding scales who brought famine to the world. V6 describes how terrible the famine will be.

4th seal – Now we see a pale horse and its rider has a name call Death. ¼ of the earth will be killed by him by the sword, famine and plague.

5th seal – these souls were perhaps the martyrs, one early Christian interestingly wrote “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.”

6th seal – you see nature destructive self

Revelations 7

In this chapter we see 5 angels, 4 is to destroy the land while the 5 has the seal to save the servants of our God. As servants of God we have been promises protection from his wrath, though not necessarily from all physical danger. Interestingly, later in revelation a similar marking indicates the followers of the beast who will be singled out to receive God’s fury.

Revelations 8

The last seal is being released we see an angel taking a golden censer filling it with fire and sending destruction to earth.

Angels given the 7 trumpets, each trumpet when blown will have a different disaster or impact.

1st trumpet – probably a hailstorm burning up 1/3 of the earth
2nd trumpet – huge mountain thrown into the sea killing 1/3 of sea creatures and turning the sea into blood
3rd trumpet – water was undrinkable causing death
4th trumpet – the sun, moon, stars all turned dark. 1/3 of the days were without light

Revelations 9
5th trumpet – the opening of the abyss causing suffering among the people who do not have the seal of God
6th trumpet – killing 1/3 of mankind by three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur.

Revelations 10

Another angel came down with a scroll for John to eat. Eating a scroll symbolizes accepting the scroll’s message. The message is sweet, because it announces salvation and bitter because it proclaims harsh judgment to the world.

The mystery of God being accomplished here usually refers to God’s strategy to redeem people through Christ. His purpose in history that the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of our Lord.

Revelations 11
The 2 witness bring to my mind is Moses and Elijah who were able to turn the waters into blood, call down the fire that devour their enemies and shut up the sky so that it will not rain. Moses and Elijah represent the Law and prophecy, both of which give testimony to Christ. The Hebrew people held that at least 2 witnesses were needed to establish the truth of legal testimony.

The 7th trumpet was sounded here and the judgment was over. The people in heaven were to give thanks and to declare Christ reign for ever and ever on the Kingdom of the world.