Monday, January 01, 2007

Genesis 1-3 (1st Jan)

Dear livingstones family,
Happy Blessed New Year! We are in the Year of Victory! Let's Go Deep into the Word of God this year by reading through the Bible. As much as possible, I'll blog the summary of the chapters we are reading. So enjoy reading and understand His word. Pray and ask the Lord to give you wisdom to His Word.
May the Lord bless you and enlarge your territory. May His hands be upon you and deliver you from evil one.
God bless and with lots of love,
Livingstones Papa & Mama
Genesis means 'Beginnings' or 'origin' and it is written by Moses.
Genesis 1 - The Creation (recognise the Power of God's Word. He spoke! Everything fell in place. Cool right? Our GOD is cool!)
In the beginning - The heavens and the earth.
1st day - Light (light & darkness)
2nd day - Sky (sky & water)
3rd day - Land with vegetation (land & sea)
4th day - Sun, moon & stars (day, night, seasons, days & years)
5th day - Fish & birds (thank God, I can go fishing)
6th day - Animals, man & woman (we are supposed to be vegetarians!!! Lions too!! - v29, 30)
7th day - God rested (God made it holy - Gen 2:3)
Genesis 2 - The lonely man and the making of the woman
v16, God commanded the Adam, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
v17 onwards is the making of the woman. (Notice that in Gen 1:26, God created man & woman. So Gen 2 is the account of what happened from the beginning to the 6th day.)
"WO!! man" I thank God for my beautiful wife. Adam has made the right choice. Hey guys, you should all thank God for Adam.
Ladies, you are God's wonderful masterpiece. We men were made from dust (v7). You ladies were made from His wonderful creation, the man's ribs, and He fashioned it into His masterpiece, the beautiful ladies. Ladies, we guys appreciate you (v18).
Thank you especially to my wife 'Fei', she's a wonderful wife and a super mother. Thank you for Janna, my beautiful daughter, she is the joy of my heart.
Of course, all my spiritual daughters too, I really thank God for you. You are all a blessing to me.
Guys, don't be jealous. I really appreciate all of you too, from the bottom of my heart.
Genesis 3 - The fall of man
People always asked, if God is so good, why will He let sin comes into the world, why He let this happened to me or why that? All I can say is, "Nevermind, I forgive you Adam. Now I'll just want to walk right with God."
Guys, don't blame the women for the fall of man. We are at fault. Notice in v2 & 3, the command that Eve told the serpent wasn't the same as the command God given to Adam in Gen 2:16. People blame Eve because she changed or added in or some say she lied about the command. She added 'touch it' (v 3). Also notice, there was another word she added, 'fruit'.
Why I say, don't blame the ladies is because, v6b 'she also gave some to her husband,who was with her, and he ate it.' So my conclusion is this, 'some' men are actually not good communicators.
Why? God commanded Adam before He created Eve (Gen 2:15-22).
So it is a responsibility for Adam to communicate to Eve. He certainly didn't communicate clearly. Probably he said this to Eve, "Don't go near that tree hor. The fruit cannot be eaten. Just don't go near, k? God says one."
Next, not only 'some' men are not good communicators, they like to keep quiet and just don't bother much about what's going on. As i say, 'some' men only. Please don't throw stone at me.
Satan's weapon of temptation is to cause us to fall. He tempted us with (1 John 2:16)
1. Lust of the flesh - Eve saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food (v6)
2. Lust of the eye - It was pleasing to Eve's eyes (v6)
3. Pride of life - Eve desired to gain wisdom (v6), so she would know the knowledge of good and evil.
Because of the fall, we are separated from God. But God still shows mercy and love to Adam and Eve by clothing them. This is the beginning of God's redemptive plan. Now we can reach our Father in heaven through Jesus Christ.
God, I want to thank You for Your love for all mankind that You are willing to sacrifice Your one and only Son to die for our sins.
Hey, I'm a dad and I will not sacrifice my son, Joash for you. It will really pain me if I need to or have to. Like sending him to war to protect the rest of the citizens in the country.
Talking about pain, in v16, God said that He will greatly increase the pain of childbearing for the women.
I really feel sorry for that. I experienced the pain when Fei Fei gave birth to both Joash and Janna. Ha, how can I experienced the pain? Well, she was feeling so painful that she squeezed my arm and pulled my sleeve. At the end, she transmitted the pain to my arm and the sleeve of my shirt- lengthened.
Anyway, to my wife, dear, thank you for bearing with the pain. I love you.
Guys, we will never be able to understand this pain.
God bless
Ps Lawrence Tan