Hi family,
Hope the first day reading was good for you and hopefully my brief summary helps you to understand a little more.
Question time: What was the first thing Eve did when Adam came back from the field?
Answer: Count his ribs.
Oh yah, there weren't any mentioned of any creation of cars. But there was a car mentioned in Gen 3:23, 24. - "When God drove them out of the garden."
Ok, back to today's summary.
God bless.
"The lame will walk"
Gen 4 – 7, 2nd Jan 2007
Genesis 4 - Cain & Abel
Adam and Eve's first son, Cain, followed by Abel. After the Lord God drove both Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, no longer could they enjoy the full provision they used to have. They had to struggle for themselves and their family. Cain became a farmer, while Abel was a shepherd. It was not mentioned why God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, but both Cain and Abel knew what God expected. Only Abel obeyed.
Genesis 4 - Cain & Abel
Adam and Eve's first son, Cain, followed by Abel. After the Lord God drove both Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, no longer could they enjoy the full provision they used to have. They had to struggle for themselves and their family. Cain became a farmer, while Abel was a shepherd. It was not mentioned why God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, but both Cain and Abel knew what God expected. Only Abel obeyed.
Throughout history, Abel is remembered for his obedience and faith (Heb 11:4) and he is called “righteous” (Matth 23:35). Perhaps Cain’s attitude was improper, or perhaps his offering was not up to God’s standards. Prov 21:27 says, “The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable – how much more so when brought with evil content!" After Cain’s sacrifice was rejected by God, God gave him the chance to try again (v6 & 7a). God is indeed gracious, always wanting to give us a second chance.
Dear family, the next time God prompts you or if someone suggests you are wrong, take an honest look at yourself and choose God’s way instead of Cain’s - which lead to the murder of his own brother, Abel - first tragedy mentioned in the bible. Cain was severely punished for this murder. God’s punishment is meant to correct us and restore our fellowship with Him. When you’re corrected, don’t resent it. Instead, renew your fellowship with God. The Lord God yearns to have our continuous fellowship with Him.
Genesis 5 - Genealogies of Adam
The bible contains several lists of ancestors, called genealogies. Genealogies were included to confirm the bible’s promise that the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, would be born into the line of Abraham. Genealogies also point out an interesting characteristic of God. People are important to Him as individuals, not just as races or nations. Therefore God refers to people by name, mentioning their life span and descendants.
Genesis 5 - Genealogies of Adam
The bible contains several lists of ancestors, called genealogies. Genealogies were included to confirm the bible’s promise that the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, would be born into the line of Abraham. Genealogies also point out an interesting characteristic of God. People are important to Him as individuals, not just as races or nations. Therefore God refers to people by name, mentioning their life span and descendants.
For example, Enoch (v21-24). He walked with God. He was the second person mentioned in the hall of faith after Abel (Heb 11:4 & 5). He did not experience death and was commended as one who pleased God.
Dear family, continue to walk with God and please Him only. May your name be in the book of faith.
Genesis 6 - Noah
Sin became very evident among the people. The people’s sin grieved God. Our sins break God’s heart as much as sin did in Noah’s day. Because of sin, the lifespan of a man gets shorter (v3). God wanted to destroy all mankind on earth because He was grieved (v6 & 7). Noah, however, found favor in the eyes of God - his faithfulness and obedience to God (v8 & 9). So God commanded Noah to build an ark to save his family from the flood that God will send to destroy mankind.
Genesis 7 - The rain & the flood
Noah and his family entered the ark. Pairs of every animal joined Noah in the ark; seven pairs were taken of those animals used for sacrifice - the “clean” animals. Scholars have estimated that almost 45, 000 animals could have fit into the ark. Also many people used to say that it was flooded for 40days & 40 nights. But it was not. It rained for forty days and night (v4 & 12). The flood came in and every living thing on the face of earth was wiped out. The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days (v24). Everything on the face of the earth were destroyed.
Hmm... ever wonder how Noah tamed all the animals to enter the ark? (Dinosaurs cannot enter) Well, read Genesis 1:26.
God bless