Dear Family,
Why is there a sudden change of chapter? We are now in the book of Job. The reason I've put it this way is because I'm bringing you to read the bible chronologically. Which means, after the flood and followed by the Towel of Babel, then came Job. In fact Job was the first bible book written.The author is unknown. Some suggested that Moses wrote it. Time line 2000 - 1800 BC.
Job 1
Job was blameless and upright; feared God and shunned evil (v1, 8, Job 2:3). Job went through his first test. God allowed Satan to take everything away from Job except his life. With all taken away, Job still praised the Name of the Lord (v21).
Job 2
Job went through a second test where God allowed Satan to afflict Job with painful sores on his whole body. He was challenged by his wife to curse God but he didn't. He said, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble? (v10)"
Many times in our life, when we face trouble, we will start to ask God why this happened and why must it be like that. Indirectly, we blame God subtly without us knowing. The battle is very intense. We need to be on guard and alert at all time. Each time when we face trouble, remember, we have the victory in Christ Jesus who always lead us in triumph.
Job 3
After 3 of Job's friend came and accompanied him in silence for 7 days and 7 nights(Job 2:11-13), Job finally spoke. He cursed the day of his birth but yet, He did not curse the Lord.
Job 4 & 5
A response from Job's friend, Eliphaz. If I were to be Job, I will be confused by his friend. One moment, it was encouraging (v4 & 6)and standing with me through the dark moments, and the next moment, started grumbling and being sarcastic.