Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Genesis 8 - 11 (3rd Jan)

The recent downpour in Singapore for about 2 to 3 days has already caused some places to have knee-height and some waist-height flood. It was worst in Malaysia when we went up to Muar. Can you imagine what will happen if it starts raining heavily for 40 days and nights consistently? We may end up in Star Cruise.

Genesis 8
For about a year, Noah and his family spent their time in the ark with the animals waiting for the water to subside and ground to be dried up (Gen 7:6, Gen 8:3-16). This ark must be very big to be able to store up enough food for all the animals and humans for a year.
After Noah came out, he built an altar to the Lord with burnt offering of clean animals and birds.
Sure the BBQ smelled good and it was a pleasing aroma to God (v20). Then God said that never again will He curse the ground or destroy the living creatures He has done (v21).

Genesis 9
God blessed Noah and his sons to be fruitful and multiply (v1). It is God’s will for us to be fruitful and multiply. Right from the start in Gen 1:28, God commanded Adam too. Sure the BBQ smelled good, God allowed men to eat meat (v3). No wonder, if men were to eat meat before that, the ark will only be humans and dogs.
Then God established His Covenant with men that never again will all life be cut off by flood and never again will earth be destroyed by flood (no Star Cruise liao). Each time you see a rainbow, remember God’s Covenant to all of us because of His faithfulness and love for us.

Genesis 10
Forming of the nations of Noah’s sons.

Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel
During that time, everyone only spoke in one language. They wanted to build a tower that will reach the heaven and their purpose was to make a name for themselves. Also they will not be scattered to other parts of the earth. They can stay ‘under one roof with Moses’ in future. Singapore flats are getting taller and more. But we people aren’t speaking the same kind of language or rather, not having the same goals and purposes.

God said, “If as one people speaking the same language they begun to do this (their goal and purpose), then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them (v6).” So God came down to confuse their language and scattered them all over the earth (v7 & 8). Those that spoke Mandarin, God placed them in China, those that spoke Malay, they were placed around us. Those spoke Tamil, they were placed in India. The list goes on including those spoke in Singlish.

Can you imagine if everyone loves one another and love our neighbors with common purposes and goals for God, there will be peace on earth.