To sum up, Paul covered the following issues within the 4 chapters. They are removing the immorality from church, lawsuit between brothers , Marriage, Sexual immorality and food sacrificed to idols. We all know that in church, our sole purpose is be a form of support to one another because the Lord says that we are to be pillars that carry each other who are weary and fallen.
Hence, it is important that we do not have people who are increasingly strong advocates of the wrong side. Meaning people who openly declared that sins are acceptable in certain ways. Be careful of such people because you can never know that you would be influenced if he/she were to be allowed to stay with around. Paul mentioned that we are not judging the world out side the church but we are ensuring that within the church there should be words of edification and not destruction.
Hence, if you do know people who are of the church of Jesus Christ and have such values, do stand up to your beliefs and rebuke them the right way because keeping quiet would only mean that you approve of such things.
Lawsuits are something that we want to avoid these days because they are expensive and require a lot of knowledge of the legality. Apostle Paul warns us that instead of going into lawsuits with your brothers/sisters, there is certainly other ways to settle.
By going public with the lawsuits, the non believers would see even the disunity in the church and there is definitely some one wise enough within the church to reduce disputes. In marriages, it is good to be married because one can take care of the other and fight satan together.
However, Paul also mentioned about having non believing spouse and the church has no reason at all to divorce a non believing spouse because the Lord declare it holy already. But, this is certainly not the way to go if you are not married, the bible taught us that we should seek partners who also believe in what we believe so that we would not face many troubles in this life.
Food sacrifice to idols have always been an issue, Paul says it so that we would always be greedy for food and he puts it in a interesting manner. He says in verse 8 that food does not bring us closer to God in anyway and we are no worse if we do not eat or even if we do. Hence, fellowship with one another does not need to be of food but of the spirit that matters.