In chapter 9, apostle Paul gives an analogy on why ministers of the Word deserves the penny that were given to the church. He gave a perfect scenario in which all of us do not work for nothing and indeed whatever job we do we expect something in return from the job we are doing as a form of providence and at the same time we honor God in everything we do in our job such we give Him the glory.
Paul also mention that all of us should make our body a slave to us so that we can do great things for the Lord. I know sometimes it very hard to do that especially our body is not willing and it end up not doing what actually we want to do. So persevere my friends so that we can what our body cannot do by itself because we have the spirit of God in us to do great things in this world.
Run for the prize that can last eternally for us! As I read this, I was suddenly reminded of the recent marathon that I literally overcame by the power of the mind. I felt the pain in my body and I was struggling to tell myself not to quit and in the end I did. So, I guess the Lord taught me how to overcome by the sheer power of the mind.
In chapter 10, God reminded us in verse 13 that that there is not any temptation that we cannot resist because He would not allow what we would not be able to resist to occur to us. Hence, there is a always a way! Believe it! Interestingly, this portion talks about food. If our friends offered us food that was offered to idols and we do not know, God says it is alright but we should not ask our friends whether they are food offered to idols ourselves because we always want to give glory to God for all things so we simply accept our friends’ blessing to us.
However if our friends tell us that the food given to us are offered idols we should not take them because it is for our conscience to be clear of guilt. It is also mention that everything in this earth can be done if they can be done but not everything is good to us and the message implied here is to recognise what is good to do and what is not good.
In chapter 11, paul talks about the grooming of the male and female worshippers. Ladies need to have long hair so that it cover their head as they pray while Men have to have short hair so that their heads are not covered. These verses spur me into wondering whether today’s modern hairstyle of men with long hair would affect our prayer with God? So, guys keep your hair short after exploring the period of long hair. Ladies, long hair is the glory of God’s beauty in women hence, have long hair and enjoy it!
Next, the Lord supper was mentioned as one that all of us should come together and part- take together. It says if we are not going to wait for each other to eat, we can have our meals back at home. Wow, I think we better wait for each other and give thanks before we start eating from now on.