In Acts, it record the ministry of Paul and how Paul work in and through his ministry partnering the Holy Spirit. Travelling around the world spreading the gospel, Paul performed many miracles, one of which is to raise the dead. Eutychus was raised from the dead at Trous. Not by his own strength, but by the spirit, Paul performed miracles and wonders empowered by God.
Before Paul moved on, he reminded the Ephesians once again to be on guard against those who intend to harm the flock. Paul said in Acts 20: 24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
As we ponder upon life and where we are now, in every race, it is different. Are you in God’s will for you? Are you going to complete the task victoriously? Jesus came and saved the world. He forsakes himself. At this point in life, I asked is my life worth more than what has been done on the cross.
Just as Paul mention in Acts 20: 35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' "
God always remind us of helping those who are weak and poor. Even in our busy days, I believe we are able to take time to look around and give a helping hand to the needy. When you serve and give, we will receive more, for it is said in the word of God. It is also when we serve and give freely, we can draw ourselves closer to God’s heart.
As Paul travel to Jerusalem to spread the gospel, the Holy Spirit moved among the people and many turned to Christ. However, this has also created a commotion and stirred up the Jews and eventually, Paul was arrested. Knowing that God is with him, Paul did not fear. When Paul encountered God, God affirmed him of his works and assured him that He will bring him through. God knows fully when and what we needed most at each phrase of our life. Do not give up seeking Him and in every circumstance be sure that God is with you.
Throughout the many travelling, Paul continued to trust God and stand firm in his belief, testify about Jesus. It is because Paul knew full well that God is in control and God’s protection is with him. Although he knew speaking against the Pharisees will cost him his life, he chose to speak as the Spirit leads. At times in life, we choose to keep mum about testifying at the right moment. Of course we have to ask for discernment and wisdom to speak.
God’s protection has always been with Paul, because he is in the centre of God’s will. Even in the mist of all the plotting to kill Paul, God kept him safe. You and I are able to experience God’s protection too. He is always around watching over you, but are you giving him your full attention when He speaks?