One thing that I learnt from today’s readings is that when you are doing the will of God, fair judgment will be upon you.
Here we see that the Jews are trying to harm Paul. However, King Aggrippa found that Paul can be released even without having to go to King Caesar for trial. As Paul stood trial before King Aggrippa, he was able to speak with faith firmly because he knew that it was God’s will that he was trialed; he was speaking the truth that Jesus rose from the death and was not afraid to be convicted. We do not see that he was grumbling about being put into prison nor put on trial.
How many times do we complain about things, situations that we are in? Perhaps we are put down, looked down upon, even ostracized by others. But how many a times do we stand firm on our grounds when we know that we are doing God’s will? I suppose some of us will tend to sway from our grounds and choose to take the step towards the position where others will ‘accept’ you instead.
Let’s all know and be assured that when we are doing the will of God, regardless of situations, we should continue to stand firm on our roots and disregard how the general public view our actions. There will be some ‘Festus-s’ lurking around, trying to pin us down so as to gain favour with others. However, you will definitely meet your ‘King Agrippa’ whom will be just and know that you have done nothing wrong and should be set free from all condemnations.
Dear family, let’s continue to stand between the gap, doing what is just and necessary, according to the will of God. At times when we are discouraged by our surroundings, do not despair. Share them with your spiritual family and let us encourage each other, spur each other on as we move into the Year of Sabbath. It is not just to rest and do nothing, but also to grow in the Lord. So brothers and sisters, let’s continue to push on for His Kingdom!